It’s poetry and painting together, overlaid on a human face. The text reads:
“Fingernail polish, butter yams, uzis, hand grenades, honey ham.
Broccoli, succatash [sic], school bus lights,
Intenstine, clandestine, mid-night frights,
Keep me cold, cold in the sun, light a volcano the wonderful 1.
Abs, shoelaces stuck 4 good.
Turn the corner you probably should.
Turnip greens, movie star, sledding snow.
Breakbeat birds in ships atow.
Forgotten windows shine by upside down trenches cascading upon the eerie oozing absence of my shadow.
Cracker jack football throwing heros sweetly cutting through glass pillows.
Long time pine trees never willow.
Stand close MGDFKA….
Lightly sensing the corduroy breeze,
Moving stealth through a street,
Go near 2 catch the minnow of uncertainty,
Just reach in to Fish.”